Friday, February 6, 2015

Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer

This was a book that I had on a list to read and my older daughter is reading them too.

Artemis is a rich, spoiled Irish boy whose father went missing nearly two years before in an exploit that was ironically perfectly legal (as opposed to all previous business ventures being of the illegal, yet more profitable variety). His mother had nearly gone mad, retreating inwardly rather than dealing with reality. So Artemis has himself and his body guard protector Butler to launch all sorts of schemes.

In this one he goes about attempting to prove the existence of Fairy People in order to exploit them for monetary gain. To get the "gold at the end of the rainbow" as it were (although it is definitely not at the end of a rainbow).

It's a split narrative between Artemis and his ventures and a fairy by the name of Holly Short. The only female member of the LEP, a policing body of the People.

What ensues is a tale that is highly entertaining. It's a series, so there are MANY facets of Artemis that are hidden, which I hope are revealed further down the road. He is highly intelligent, yet rather unfeeling. He thinks through MOST things; because he is so well researched, he can usually find a way around things or out of things and doesn't tend to go rushing into things. Although he usually leaves room for improvisation in sticky situations, he usually doesn't need to.

I'm definitely looking forward to reading more!

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